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Virtual Learning Information

Current Schedules for 6-12 Grade


Virtual Learning Expectations:
1. You will 'attend' each of your classes every school day. Each teacher will post a question on Google Classroom daily or have another similar method to take attendance. If you do not check-in on a day, you will be counted as absent. 
2. You will complete all of your assignments for each teacher by their due dates. 
3. You will attend Teams meetings, e-mail, call or find some other way to stay in contact with your teachers. They are here for you when you have questions, need help, or just need to talk.
4. You will try your best, persevere, and remember, this is a hard experience but everyone here at Oelrichs believes in you!


1. Please make sure to provide the school or your child's teachers with your e-mail address if you would like to stay up to date on their assignments through Google Classroom. If you are new to Google Classroom or want to learn more about it we encourage you to watch the informative YouTube video HERE.

2. Your child is expected to 'check-in' to their classes daily and complete their assignments when given. They will also be expected to participate in Microsoft Teams (video) meetings throughout the week. If you would like to learn more about Microsoft Teams, great information can be found HERE

3. If you are having technology issues contact the school right away.

4. Please feel welcome to contact your student's teachers with any questions or concerns you have. We all want the very best for them.