Student Enrollment Form December 2024.pdf
Open Enrollment Application 2024-25.pdf
South Dakota High School Graduation Requirements
Parent-Student Handbook 24-25 December.pdf
Student Activities Handbook 24-25 December.pdf
English Learners (EL) Toolkit USDOE.pdf
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act.pdf
Dictionaries: English & Lakota
Feeding South Dakota Participation Form.pdf
Fall 2020 Higher Education Opportunities - Student Guide.pdf
Sports Physical Form.pdf
OSD Report a Bullying Incident.pdf
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal provides families in Oelrichs School District online information about their child's grades, attendance, and more. If you need a portal account set up, please call the school at (605) 535-2631.
Google Classroom (Use your School Email username and password to log in). You can download the Google Classroom app from your App Store as well. Not sure how to use Google Classroom? Contact one of your teachers and watch this informative video.